DATA Play 10: Past, Present and Future

Rolle Marquee, University of Plymouth
Friday 1 November 2019, 9.30am to 4.30pm

DATA Play 10 is coming soon and we want you to get involved!

We’re excited to be running another DATA Play day on the 1 November 2019. Once again we will be working with local talent and tech companies to explore how open data and technology can be used to help the Council deliver services in new ways. Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab and the Police Stop and Search department will also be joining us to see if our DATA Play community can help with their challenges. Visit the DATA Play page to see what’s happened at previous DATA Play days.

You can play as a team, meet people on the day or experiment on your own – whatever works for you! It’s free to join, so whatever you’re good at – coding, analysis, mapping, graphics, thinking – come along and join in the fun!


  • 9.30am: Tea, coffee and fruit juice, pastries and fruit
  • 10am: Tom Westrope (Plymouth City Council, City Planning Team): Welcome, introduction to the challenges and explanation of how the tasks and prizes work
  • 10.10am: Key note: Core technologies – areas that interest Impact Lab, examples that are coming out from the university
  • 11am: Richard Abrahams: Visualising synesthesia
  • 11.30am: Tea and coffee
  • 12pm: George Fullegar (Exeter City Futures): Open data sources
  • 12.45pm: Matt Longman (Devon and Cornwall Police): Stop and search
  • 12.55pm: Zoe Sydenham (Plymouth City Council, Natural Infrastructure Team): Influencing future green infrastructure
  • 1pm: Lunch
  • 1.45pm: Katherine Willis (UoP) and Martin Howitt (The Data Place): On the ground implementation of tech in relation to green spaces
  • 2.30pm: Simon Gough (Applied Data Skills): Data x Design
  • 3pm: Tea coffee, fruit and cake
  • 3.15pm: Theo McCaie (Met Office): Pangeo
  • 4pm: Roundup, raffle and prize giving

Rewards and prizes

On the day we are offering prizes and rewards if you complete the eight mini tasks we’ve set:

  • Produce a visualisation from the data we’ve opened on the DATA Place Plymouth or another data set that is related to the city
  • Submit an idea or solution to a challenge
  • Think up a new city challenge that is related to open data or technology
  • Visit our Impact Lab, Police and green space friends
  • Speak to someone you don’t already know
  • Attend a talk
  • Contribute to the DATA Play 10 map
  • Provide feedback on the day

Collect a card and receive a stamp from a DATA Play team member when you complete a task. The best prizes will be available for those who’ve done them all!